Name 名字 : DaDa-大大 【2012】
Age 年龄 : 20 Years Old
Height 身高 : 158cm
Weight 体重 : 47KG
Boobs 胸围 : 36E
Area 地区 : CENTRAL/中部
Location 地点 : Bugis Condo 武吉士公寓
Damage 价格 : S$150/60mins/1 Shot FJ
Mobile 电话 : 8424 4632
WhatsApp : 8424 4632
Please tell me 【SGHarem 后宫网】 see.
Please Only Pay After Seeing The Real Person.
The service was really pleasant! She made the whole process very relaxing, had really great blowjob skills, sucked my penis patiently with a little moaning, and when she stuffed me in, rammed her hard, her pussy was very wet with a lot of water. The service was superb, really enjoyed her service,
美女年轻漂亮,身材好, 服务棒, 也很热情,不会冷场,不要错过.
The young lady was very devoted in the service on the bed . She blew me so hard that I almost came . She was very good at blowjob and sucked for long time . After making love , she stayed with me in the room for a long time . A beautiful young lady
As soon as she open the door and comes in , the most important thing you pay attention to is her figure ., which was perfect and beauriful . Her skin was fair and smooth , and her two big sexy boobs nipples super pinkish , love the way how she’s use her tounge during blowjob
She is gentle , careful , tender , and she makes people particularly comfortable smile , service is very good ., flirting more than other girls, she is in love when she is invested , you can feel that she treats you as a boyfriend .
She is really attractive , beautiful , good at blowjob ,and good at service . Her boobs are big and natural , and I can't help but reach out and touch them .
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评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)