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Discussion Area Gif

Name 名字 : SGHarem-后宫网【8888】

Age 年龄 : 19 Years Old

Height 身高 : 170cm

Weight 体重 : 48KG

Area 地区 : Discussion-讨论区

Location 地点 : Singapore 新加坡

Tele Group 飞机群 : Click Here

Advertise 挂网广告: @Hougong2666


Please tell girls 【SGHarem 后宫网】 see for safety reason.

   Click to Chat on Telegram   Click to Chat on Telegram

Notes 笔记

"If you'd like to post ads or contact the admin, please leave your Telegram or WeChat ID in the comment section and set the visibility to private. We will reach out to you. Thank you."


"You can also contact our admin at telegram with username: @Hougong2666"

"你也可以飞机电报联络后宫管理员: @Hougong2666"

"Please make payments only after meeting the real person."

"请见面后满意再付款 您有离开的权利 也请谨防诈骗"


Comments Are Subject To Individuals (Escort Herself Can Also Post Comment)
评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)

2025-2-9 Admin (Verified) Says:

💰Earn Crypto by Sharing!
Share our website link and get paid! Simply enter your Telegram username to generate a unique referral link. Share this link, and you'll earn in USDT or TON, your choice.

     2025-2-9 Admin Replied :
      How It Works:
1.Enter your Telegram username below to generate your custom link.
2.Share your link—only unique IPs from Singapore and Malaysia will be counted.
3.SG IPs are valued higher, so focus on sharing with SG groups or friends!
4.Once you reach $100, you can contact admin or leave a comment with your username and crypto address to cash out.
5.You can generate your link or check your earnings by clicking the buttons below. Please follow local regulations and avoid sharing in inappropriate groups.
6.Terms and conditions apply. Beware of scams, we will never ask you to transfer anything. We only process cashouts to you directly.

     2025-2-9 Admin Replied :

Reply 回复

2025-2-8 Admin (Verified) Says:

🚀Want to Start Earning or Build Your Own Business?
Buy active Telegram groups from us! We offer both small (~1k users) and large groups and channels (~100K users) , priced at just $0.50 to $1 per user.

     2025-2-9 Admin Replied :
      E.G: A group with 100 real users costs only $50 - $100!
Potential Earnings: Sell a single product (e.g., A shoe at $99) and make $5,000–$10,000+!

     2025-2-9 Admin Replied :
      Interested? Drop your Telegram username in the comments or DM us. We accept TON & USDT. (This is only for legit marketing. We kindly remind all visitors to follow local laws as we do) E.G: A group with 100 real users costs only $50 - $100!
Potential Earnings: Sell a single product (e.g., A shoe at $99) and make $5,000–$10,000+!

Reply 回复

2025-2-7 J Says:

There's one girl i tried recently, now cannot find. What happen?

     2025-2-7 Admin Replied :
      Hi J, must be she hide herself either temporarily or permanently, could be having period or go other country.

     2025-2-7 J Replied :
      hi admin, thank you

Reply 回复

2025-2-6 Dd Says:

If girl previously verified but suddenly not verified, can trust?

     2025-2-6 Admin Replied :
      Hi Dd, cannot, girls with bad feedback will be removed with verification tag!

Reply 回复

2025-2-5 Jason Says:

How can i make an advertisement

     2025-2-6 Admin Replied :
      Hi Jason, you need to leave your wechat ID or telegram username in the comment

Reply 回复

2025-2-5 Buster Says:

Is 【1873】real? No pickup call or answer message

     2025-2-6 Admin Replied :
      Hi Buster, 1873 is unverified, not recommended to try!

Reply 回复

2025-2-4 AA Says:

What is the latest site?

     2025-2-4 Admin Replied :

Reply 回复

2025-2-4 PP Says:


     2025-2-4 Admin Replied :
      Search viet on the top side search bar. Vietnam Escort

Reply 回复


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飞机广播 Channel: Telegram Channel

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讨论区 Discussion: Discussion Area

广告 WhatsApp: +65 9807 1667

广告联络飞机: @hougong2666

飞机群 Group: Telegram Group

广告联络QQ: 3980234260